Creative Money

Money in creative is pretty useless so i was thinking of a way to make it useful.A shop can be made in creative which can be accessed by doing /shop where you can buy heads and world edit and maybe banners as well.It would also benefit the server since players would vote more often to get money and buy things at the shop.

#4412 - Status: answered - See reply

4 years ago by wesley128 for Creative



Allow the /speed command in creative because plots are large and being able to fly faster makes it much easier to move around.

#6779 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by icuk33 for Creative


Combat Time And /fix all,/pv Abuse

There Should Be A Combat Time In Creative.

All The Staff Don't Pay Attention To Creative, It Does Not Have a Combat Time And Every One Can Instant Teleport
Its Not A Big Suggestion. And The Staff Of ExtremeCraft Take Creative Non Seriously. In Creative There's Also PvP Its The Same Pvp As the Pvp In Prison Or
Surv.. See more

#6720 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Marcalis for Creative


Marry Command

Hello I wanted to ask if you can add a /marry and /divorce command.
If someone wants to marry a player he/she have to type /marry <player>, and the target player have to type then /marry accept <player> to accept the
marriage proposal. In the chat will be a message which every player can see who married right now.

(And the /divorce command, only one player have to type that to .. See more

#6062 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Fxilq for Creative


Creative should have /head list. So people can look for heads or search for it by the command /head search. For like example: /head search cake.

As they add /head list It will have limited pages. Like 190. It will be up to you to choose how much pages. When people can't find the heads they wan't , They use /head search (name). It is because It would be amazing If you could choose your own head easily and quickly. So at this point Adding /head list and /head search (name) , Would be amazing so you can find the head you want quickl.. See more

#8542 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by angelxllic for Creative


/Plot download

I really want to keep my plot with my somehow but i can't find any solution for it, i had a huge castle i made before reset and now i lost it
but i've made it again and i don't want to lose it, i want to keep it with me

please i need it so bad!

#4454 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by TheLastGame for Creative


More gadgets ?

There could be minecart cars that every rank can use,and more rp plugins to make it as fun as old days and some rp pregenerate plots.

#7628 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by xRekteD for Creative


Portal Trap

Ban the use of the Nether portal somehow or prevent portal trapping.

#4376 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by SuperCharas for Creative


World Edit Duration

The current world edit duration for 1 vote is 15mins and 90 mins for 6 votes [5 votes for cracked users], I think it would be great to give 30mins for 1 vote because if a player with no rank is doing a big project for building or even a buildbattle it wouldnt be enough. But giving 30 mins for a single vote would be a great benefit and the total duration is180mins gives the player more ti.. See more

#6748 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Tita_n for Creative



Add elevators to Creative! It would be ideal for head shops, skin comps, roleplays, game maps, etc.

#5264 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by cayleebrew for Creative


//brush on creative


I'm a seemingly casual player, soon to apply for builder, and I was looking at some worldedit commands. When you do //brush, it tells you "You are lacking the permission node:worldedit.brush.sphere". I think //brush is almost necessary for terraforming, and its incredibly useful. You can make great mountains in seconds, smooth out pre-existing landscape with //brush smooth, and crea.. See more

#4281 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by highvoice for Creative


Highlighting trusted players which are currently online and on the plot.

In the scoreboard, the list where trusted players names are given, it should be a thing that if a trusted player is present on the plot the player's name in the scoreboard should turn green or something which will indicate that that player is present on the plot.

#5229 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Bruhhhh_h for Creative


W/E Commands

Let Members+ can use all W/E commands ONLY during build battle,so its fair to other players that is using w/e.

so thats it.

#6135 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by CreeperDj26 for Creative


Barrier blocks at creative

We should be allowed to place barrier blocks in our plots, they would be useful for making pvp maps, scavenger hunts, etc.

You could set a command to give you the specific item, similarly to how /skull works.

#6787 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by SeannnG for Creative


Creative plot Whitelist

this is something that i think some may agree with u see plots from what i was informed dont have a whitelist option and i think it would be cool since someone may want to build something without letting others see it etc.

#7371 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by ItzZacKlocky for Creative


The parkour at creative

The parkour at creative is amazing and really fun to do but the after doing some jumps your hunger runs out, you can ofcourse take food with you but the time keeps on going so I thought it'd be a cool feature to add saturation in the parkour region, Thanks -Titan.

#8232 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by Tita_n for Creative


Block glitch in parkour

people can still use blocks to block glitch in parkour....please let their items disappear when they start parkour

#8286 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by NightOmega_ for Creative



Add the possibility to add particles in your plot, this can be limited to a certain number of particles per plot to reduce lag!

#8489 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by NotableOne05 for Creative


Preview Selection

Add a way to preview your selection while using world edit!

#8495 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by NotableOne05 for Creative


ideas ??

/uwu /bruh /smh /wow /renegade should all be a command pls I would use them so much

#4576 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by baddiberry for Creative



Currently, the currency is useless in creative and the only reason to vote is w/e, how about currency become useful (e.g: $1 = I new head, all bought heads remain free)

#5046 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Player_X_YT for Creative


Money is useless in creative!

Hello. So as u all know, money in creative is useless. if u typed /shop, u can buy SPAWNER only. So, my suggestion is, make more ways to apend money with. For example, add akmw stuff like heads ans banners to the /shop, and some more stuff so at least money wont be useless.

u may ask me, how will people make money? Simply, u can add a way to sell skulls and heads in /shop, or add something t.. See more

#5919 - Status: shortlisted

3 years ago by MrLebanon for Creative



Adding more options for decoration by enabling world edit for most blocks in the decoration category in the creative inventory, like the flowers, and double flowers, for the purpose of being able to make for example double stacked sunflowers to make it look like vines, or make trees out of flowers for fancier coloring etc..

#5959 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by zi_u for Creative


Add Combat Tag.

If you would add combat tag to creative it will increase the fun and it will also not let people do /p h, /fix all and /heal in pvp

#6137 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by LilMonday for Creative


Build Battle

a player will be able to do /bb join and receive an extra plot to use it on the bb so he don't have to clear his plot

if he doesn't finish the build he gets banned from the next bb
if he leaves it empty he gets banned for the next 2 build battles

#8261 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by BenzemaKarim for Creative