
Better Stuff

More Kits for Extreme (like Kit build) etc Cuz we paid 100$ for p4 and sum commands

-More Axes Like Battle Axes And More Swords
-More Rare Items Like a Owner Item
- More commands : /fireball etc
-Chests Accesable in enemy Terrotory
-Fly in own Claim
- Factions Vaults
-Factions Abbilitys like speed 2 in own claim Strenght 2 but 2 abbilities only
-Better AntiCheat Like WAY better,

#4830 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by SovietMafia for Factions


Many Improvements for Allies and Truces

So I think there are many big issues with Allies and Truces. I'm gonna list all the things that in my opinion should be fixed.

1) Allies shouldn't be able to hit each other. It's extremely annoying being able to hit the allies you're fighting with at /warp pvp, /warp outpost and /warp warzone, those 3 areas are where most fights happen so this is a really big issue in my opini.. See more

#4825 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions


Allies shouldn't be able to hit each other

I still don't understand why we can hit allies in warzone, outpost and /warp pvp but we can't hit them in WIlderness. Most fights happen in those 3 areas so it's extremely annoying being able to hit the allies you're fighting with. Allies are allies for a reason, So please make it like you can't hit them in any scenario.

#4824 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions


protection 7

Hello, i really think protection 7 armor is too op, when you are pvping someone who has protection 7 he can’t lose any health, please nerf it or delete it, even protection 6 is op..

#4821 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by salsaxd for Factions


F Top improvement

So. I think the new /f top is overall a great idea. But I think it would be way better and enjoyable if:

When you mine a spawner, You don't lose all the points that it gained overtime instantly (or when /f we updates), if you replace the spawner you mined before 1 hour since when you mined it You don't lose the points. This would make moving spawners to different grinders possible w.. See more

#4774 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions


F top value

Can you change F top value? i am a little bit tired of placing 300K diamond blocks a day.
Like 1 bedrock = 1 Bilion $ = 2 Milion F points. just please do something with it, or else it will die soon

#4747 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Assasinko for Factions


Allow /top in lands, where players have access to

People, who are not in your factions but have access to your lands, should be able to do /top there. It's easier for them to checks bases.

#4693 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Hcid for Factions


/Jump and /Top

Could you please enable /jump and /top in ally territory or at least add a permission in /f perm list to enable/disable it for enemies/neutral/allies/truces? It’s really exhausting when your allies claim lands for your defenses/walls and you have to swim the whole way up instead of doing /top.

#4687 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by DuHubirensobihn for Factions


Knockback and Punch capped to 2

Trapping was already one thing but the abuse of Knockback and Punch at Envoy events is to big. You barely have the chance to proof you are better in pvp to contest the loot. Instead you are just getting 20 blocks knocked away which is way to unbalanced it needs to be capped.

#4656 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by TaintedMage for Factions


Envoys getting Better stuff at Certain Times

With envoys players go crazy as they buff up with pots and maul each other to get what's inside a chest. I believe that envoys should have certain times of the day when they get special and automatically spawn also they could match holidays such as Christmas envoys where they get extremely good stuff even spawners. Also maybe Holoween envoys could be something their could also be a certain t.. See more

#4651 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by SovietMafia for Factions


Adding Custom Enchants

Hello peeps I'm RegularSavage you might know me from factions and I think it's time for us to get custom Enchants on the server. I think it's going to be cool and more helpful to players in pvp and envoys. Although this sounds cool you can only get it from legendary crates and the chances are slim. I think we should also get a legendary book from fishing (slim chances for fishing lik.. See more

#4650 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by SovietMafia for Factions



Hey there guess whos back ,

I wanted to suggest that limiting players for each faction in envoy. Nowadays I face 5v1 all the time I go to envoy so I wont want to go there anymore because I know that I will be dead. I wanted to limit faction players near envoy. For example if theres 5 players from '' Fatality '' faction the envoy shouldnt open. 4 players per faction is a good a.. See more

#4648 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by UnbanHydra for Factions


Generator Buckets

Hey its me again :p ,

I would like to suggest vertical generator buckets to be able to gen from down to up. It is much more easier to generate from down to up. Sometimes people mess up with genning because they cannot see cleary from top how the base design is. This leads to misplaced generator buckets.

#4647 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by UnbanHydra for Factions


Remove P7!!!

Ok. P6 was manageble, But P7 is WAY too much. And with that I mean that if you wear P7 you won't die even if you're getting 3v1'd. And I'm not writing this because I'm salty or something, it's just the truth. I have P7 and I used it in a 1v4 and I LITERALLY Couldn't die. Even in a 1v4 I gapped every literally 2 minutes and My set broke way too late. Please remove it, .. See more

#4643 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions


Highering Power for specific players

Hello ,
I've seen a lot of factions which uses 2 factions so they can claim their bases. Almost everyone does it. I wanted to suggest that players which are ranked Legend and higher should have 20 max power like Nexus ranks. For Nexus rank you can leave it as it is but higher power per hour. For example if extreme ranked player gets 2 power for staying active 1 hour , Nexus ranked player sh.. See more

#4586 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by UnbanHydra for Factions


Faster regens

Hello ,

I would like to suggest to faster the gen buckets block per second. For example if you are making a 100x100 base you need to gen a lot and because of this you move a lot chunks. Whenever you move a lot chunks the gen buckets which you've placed stops working.
Please make 2 or 3 blocks per second.

#4579 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by UnbanHydra for Factions


Perms for mining spawners

In factions you can change perms such as officer can /claim or /unclaim, or if members can build in faction territory. My suggestion is that extremecraft makes who can build in territory is reduced when it comes to spawners and a new perm is done for who can mine spawners in the factions.

As an example: Members can have access to build in base but do not have access to mine the spawners. Tha.. See more

#4564 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by intermilan123 for Factions


Koth/CTA everyday

So, I would put a timer on Koths/CTAs just like envoys:
Players can vote for koth as always but:
Basically when a koth that started automatically ends. A 24 hours timer starts. It would make the game more active imo.
Koths started by players' voting don't count for the timer.

This can be implemented in every gamemode that has a koth/cta mechanic

#4557 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions


Factions suggestions

Hello NxDs i have some ideas for the factions server.I've told some people and they thought i should make a suggestion so here goes

1)Even though the new f top is better from the older one i think it can be improved even more.Instead of having the value of the spawner multiplied each day(which will eventually break f top),Have it so whenever you mine a spawner you lose like 30k-50k or som.. See more

#4542 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by ThinPrivilege for Factions


Display $$ balance while interacting with shop.

Please add a displayed total of our balance while accessing the shop so we do not have to close the interface, do /bal then go back to shop just to see how much money we have.

Maybe in the top right corner of the shop interface.

#4532 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Omnitech for Factions


Insiding / Betraying

I Know A lot Of People Will Ask For This, But I Do Want To Add My Personal View. Insiding Is Fun If Your Doing It But Not If Your On The Receiving End, Servers Like Sacio And Others Have Made Insiding Punishable / Bannable Depending On The Case And Circumstances. Nobody Wants To Get There Loot / Spawners Taken That They May Of Paid Or Worked Hard For. I Also Think That Insiding Ruins Fun For New.. See more

#4527 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Frxggie for Factions


points system f top and rewards

points system
Apparently for each hopper that costs 300 cash in shop you get 2 faction points, and apparently for a chesthopper that consts 100k you get none. Also I placed some spawners (blaze and zombie pigman) also no points for them either. Please show list which items are gaining most points for f top and moreover redo whole item system cuz apparently faction claim will be full of hoppers.. See more

#4526 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by KlausR for Factions



Please disable spawners working when placed outside faction claims. Why? People tend to make hidden unclaimed bases which are basically not possible to find and raid their money farms. Also that way people can hide their wealth which makes game less competitive. Simple - want to make money? Make it on your claims.

#4504 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by KlausR for Factions



Please add commission one needs to pay to mine spawners in OPfactions and Factions servers. Lets say (30% of spawner shop value). Why? People just mine down spawners when they being raid attempted, and the raid ends there (That easy, after months of searching for particular base). This way either they will loose 30% or they gonna fight to the last man standing. Will make game more competitive.

#4503 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by KlausR for Factions



Since we all have a faction or person we hate a bit(or very much) it would be fun if we could set a bounty on someone. It could be really fun and would encourage pvp although it might also encourage targetting. A title could also be added: Bounty hunter only available for people that claimed a certain number of bounties (that would be optional). I hope you guys put some thought into it.

#4493 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by AdrienOp for Factions