lower dragon breath prices in /shop

since we can't spawn dragon, pls lower dragon breath price bc they are expensive asf

#11479 - Status: closed

1 month ago by Avianic for Factions

add shred to chesthopper

add shred like autosell,collect add shred to them so we can farm shards without having to use multitool

#11463 - Status: open

1 month ago by Avianic for Global

capture the arena

make it so the player capturing the arena wont get the key unless they're not in combat. even if the time is over.
so and if the player dies then the timer is reset for new player to capture. so if someone captured all 15 minutes but it stays at 00 until person gets out of combat, just like rocket league timer when the ball doesn't touch the ground.
also if you implement this suggestio.. See more

#11327 - Status: open

4 months ago by Avianic for Global

don't reset skyblock

not even 3 months went by since last reset so why reset????

#11316 - Status: open

4 months ago by Avianic for Skyblock

make cactus farms the meta like they were

stop ruining the server. it was always known that cactus farm are the meta to get money in skyblock, there's nothing to say about this.

#11303 - Status: rejected

4 months ago by Avianic for Skyblock

bring back pvp gamemode (1.8 pvp)

i don't even know why they removed it there is no point literally, it was the most useful gamemode for settling debates and 1v1s and practicing pvp. this is the only gamemode you dont remove even if it's dead and the only gamemode you never update its version from 1.8 i dont have to go to /warp pvp to fight someone and then someone interfers or i lose my items or i lose because someone h.. See more

#11239 - Status: closed

4 months ago by Avianic for Global

Add command blocks (read suggestion carefully first)

Hey it's ok to add command blocks in creative BUT you can only use it for like /p h or the commands that you can do in creative
so people would make it easy to do many things so all you do is /commandblock and it is a edited command block that you can enter only commands that you have access to. thanks.

#7827 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Avianic for Creative

Version chooser

Extremecraft's version is very old, Many people wants it to get updated. So why not copy the scripts and the stuff (if possible) and make us get to choose for example: Survival will be turned to Survival servers, and when you click on servers like survival, It will make you choose what version you want to play, Extremecraft's normal version, or the latest version of minecraft (Updated .. See more

#6055 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Avianic for Global

New map for lobby

Please add a new map for lobby some people like me, got bored from the old lobby and would be interested to see a new build in the lobby!

#6020 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by Avianic for Lobby

Edit suggestions, delete appeals, suggestions etc

Please make it so we can edit suggestions and delete ban appeals, talking about appeals: we might've did a wrong appeal so we delete this and create a new one you can make and delete (delete unlimited) up to 2 appeals in 1 month. Now for the suggestions, we might've did a mistake and didnt notice it, after reading the suggestion, we might notice that we did a mistake so we edit it and f.. See more

#5983 - Status: closed

4 years ago by Avianic for Website

Add Combat to creative

Many people play creative to pvp, some of them like to pvp sometimes too so please add combat to pvp because when we are fighting or even mid fight ppl just /p h and we be very angry it's like a game to waste time in not play please add combat to creative

#5958 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by Avianic for Creative

Bring back pvp on factions

Please bring back the pvp map as lots of people wants to pvp on factions most of them wants to pvp at /warp pvp
so please bring back factions /warp pvp with a new map or the old same one. I don't care just please bring back pvp at factions It would be very cool

thanks for reading

#5808 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Avianic for Factions

Voteparty rewards list

Hello, I would like a command (/voteparty rewards) The command makes you able to see all the rewards you can get from the Voteparty. It's like when you left click a Crate at /warp crates.

Thanks for reading,


#5656 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Avianic for Global

New Command

Hello I'm Chickenarox and I would like a new Command that is called /AFKmail send (username) (message) basically the Command makes you able to make an AFKing player see your message for example /afkmail send Chickenarox (message) When the player is not longer AFK in the chat: they see the message. Thanks for reading. I hope you accept it and Like if you agree, dislike it you decline.

#5517 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Avianic for Global