I simply think that if some one suggests a title, and its accepted they should get it for free, or at a discouted price. i.e. I suggested the title kirby, it got accepted and I think i should get it for free, another example pipermain made the title gorrilla and didnt get it for free when I think he should. I understand if this would get rejected because it would lose extremecraft money, But it .. See more
EmeraldQueen, EmeraldKing, RaidQueen, RaidQueen, or AnimalQuen/AnimalKing I feel like could be funny titles showing one's personality, loving emeralds and profits, or animals and nature.
I say there should be a Kirby title. There are many kirby fans on the server, and many would apreaciate it. You could also do a Meta title or a StarAllie title to go with MetaKnight and the StarAllie game. Also it could make Dieu more money :3.