Discord Nitro Boosting

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

We decided to make Nitro Boosting on our Discord server (Click here) a little bit more worth it.

If you don't know what Nitro Boosting is read here: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028038352-Server-Boosting-
If you don't want to read too much and want the super simplified version then here:

Nitro users can decide to "boost" discord servers, once a server reaches enough boosts it will unlock special perks for everyone (i.e. more emoji slots)

From now on you will receive daily and automatically 1 extra vote reward (vote keys + money, skulls on creative)
We might add more rewards in the future if people appreciate it


Not just that, you also get to unlock special commands and perks for our Discord bot:

  • /wordswith - Shows a list of words starting with something (to cheat in #wordsgame)
  • /namecheck - Check the status of a MC name (availability,premium, EC last login, etc)
  • /namehistory - Shows the name history of someone on EC (also /nh)
  • /registrationdate - Shows the registration date of someone (also /regdate)
  • /tocolor - Display a color based on name or hex code (i.e. /tocolor chartreuse)
  • /me - Just like the one in game display a colored text (use /Me with capital M if you're on desktop)
  • /afk - Set an AFK status
  • /yesorno - Display a yes or no gif (also /yon)
  • /russianroulette - Play the russian roulette without actually dying irl
  • /roll - Generate a random number
  • /mcskin - Show the MC skin of someone
  • /identitygenerator - Generate a new identity (also /disguise)
  • /give - Just like the command in game but without actual items
  • /factoftheday - Show the fact of the day (also /fotd)
  • /eightball - Ask something to the omniscient bot (also /8ball)
  • /avatar - Display the Discord avatar of someone
  • /acronym - Generate a possible meaning for an acronym (i.e. /acronym nxds)
  • Shorter cooldown for RP commands
  • Special mentions
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